Competent Tower Climber

ANSI/ASSE A10.48 3.16 Competent Climber An individual with the physical capabilities to climb; has actual tower climbing experience; is trained in fall protection regulations including the equipment that applies to tower work; is capable of identifying existing and potential fall hazards; and has the employer’s authority to take prompt corrective action to eliminate those hazards. A competent climber is responsible for the authorized climbers when working at height.

This course is typically taught in conjunction with Competent Tower Rescuer.


The participants in this course shall have already successfully completed the Authorized Tower Climber Course and completed 90-days of documented, full-time supervised climbing experience related to the normal tasks expected of them at the work place.

Competent climbers must be able to recognize fall hazards and take corrective action. Competent climbers’ tasks often include the following: planning a climb, selecting anchorages, selecting the type of fall protection system, and installing the system. Competent climbers have the ability to recognize fall hazards, equipment hazards, and have the authority to mitigate those hazards.


  • Tower industry laws and standards

  • Review of Authorized Climber skills and knowledge

  • Hazard assessments and JHA

  • Anchorages

  • Controlled ascent and descent

Regulatory Standards and Certifications: OSHA 1910 and 1926, ANSI/ASSE A10.48, Z490.1, Z359.2, NATE CRTS

Time line: 8 hours (1 day)

Course Delivery: Practical training


Authorized Tower Rescuer


Competent Tower Rescuer